Linli Zhou: Empowering Decisions through Data Insights

Linli Zhou is an Institutional Research (IR) Analyst at Lasell University, holding a Ph.D. in Social Science and Comparative Education from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Her expertise spans statistical modeling, data visualization, data management, and mixed-methods research, with a focus on student success, program evaluation, and institutional strategy in higher education.

Driven by a deep passion for data research, Linli eagerly explores innovative ways to automate data reporting with accessible data visualizations, and integrate cutting-edge data modeling techniques into analytics. Her ultimate goal is to empower higher education leaders and campus partners to support student success more effectively.

Beyond her role as a skilled and passionate researcher, Linli is also an educator adept at teaching and sharing research methodology. She leads professional development initiatives for the IR community, and was honored with the inaugural “Rising Star Award” from the Association of Institutional Research (AIR) in 2024.

Linli’s recent portfolio showcases a wide array of accomplishments, including:

  • Predictive Analytics: Developing data models to enhance student success programs across academic, social, and career outcomes, and improving institutional effectiveness in enrollment, retention, and graduation rates.

  • Data Management and Visualization: Cultivating a culture of data quality assurance by implementing best practices for ensuring data cleanliness, enhancing efficiency and consistency through coding in SQL, R, and Python, and presenting data through compelling visualizations.

  • Survey and Mixed-Methods Research: Collaborating with offices and service providers to develop surveys and focus groups that address their improvement needs. This includes assessing student needs and evaluating interventions and high-impact practices.

  • Program Assessment and Policy Evaluation: Evaluating policies (e.g., financial aid strategies) and reviewing programs at various levels—including students, faculty, courses, and services—to optimize resource allocation, budgeting, and planning.

  • Strategic Planning: Identifying opportunities for institutional effectiveness and policy enhancement through market research. This includes comparing trends and outcomes of peer institutions using national databases (e.g., National Center for Education Statistics, IPEDS, NSSE, National Student Clearinghouse) and web-scraped data.

Please visit a repository of Linli’s Data Projects for more information.